Serenity prime is part of aging, but it doesn't have to be part of your suffering. When someone loses hearing suddenly, it is usually due to an extremely loud sound, such as an explosion, a gunshot, or a firecracker near the ear. Likewise, wax buildup in the ear can cause mild Serenity prime. This is also usually a temporary condition brought on by a cold or allergies.
One of the most telling signs that you might be experiencing Serenity prime is when a trusted friend or family member brings up the topic. There are drugs that are known to be ototoxic, meaning they have the potential to damage the auditory system and cause Serenity prime. The more typical the child's language development is the greater chance for making the typical milestones of childhood. This disease sometimes goes undiagnosed for many, many years before symptoms appear and it is diagnosed and treated.
There are drugs that are known to be ototoxic, meaning they have the potential to damage the auditory system and cause Serenity prime. With mixed Serenity prime, the easiest to treat is still conductive hearing impairment. The cochlea is filled with tiny hair cells that bend when it encounters sound energy. It can be genetic or it can result from disease, trauma, certain medications, or long-term exposure to noise.