standardization of packaging, marketing, and testing. Kanavance CBD Discounts for Military NuLeaf Naturals, a Denver-based CBD manufacturer, conducts rigorous third-party testing to ensure its CBD products are well below the 0.3 percent THC threshold. Current lab-verified results may be viewed here. NuLeaf Naturals offers substantial discounts for active and retired military personnel. Call 720-372-4842 to speak with one of our expert team members to access your discount and to learn more about topical application of CBD. Castor oil is a vegetable oil Kanavance CBD is used for a wide range of cosmetic and medical purposes. It is said to provide health benefits for the face and skin. People typically take castor oil as a laxative, but the oil has potential benefitsTrusted Source for the skin. This article will outline what castor oil is and discuss its benefits for the skin, as well as how to use it and possible side effects to expect. Fast facts on castor oil Castor oil comes from seeds of the ricinus communis plant, which is native to tropical areas of Africa and Asia. It is typically applied directly to the skin using a cotton ball.