misinformation, and it’s more difficult for younger audiences to separate fact from fiction. Mason had recently been watching the David Duchovny TV comedy “Californication,” about a womanizing novelist in Los Angeles. The sexual exploits are “just slightly unrealistic,” Mason says. “Like, the main character has sex with everyone wherever he goes. They made it seem so convincing. Whereas if you were to watch a porn video where a dude comes in with his [sexual organ] in a pizza box, it’s like, ‘All right, obviously that isn’t going to happen in real life.’ ” Everyone watches porn and then gets super nervous about their size. - college sophomore Dylan, 17, is a high-school junior in Northern California. He’s handsome, athletic, a straight-A student, and captain of the soccer team. He was also, until recently, a virgin. He had drank too much at a friend’s party and passed out on a couch.